Important Legal Disclaimers for

As an Alternative Medicine resource directory, the Energy Medicine Directory lists people who offer Energy Medicine and Alternative Medicine services and includes resources from all over the world and the sole purpose is to provide information. The information for these listings are provided by the practitioner and no endorsement is implied. If you are looking for a practitioner, we encourage you to ask them about their credentials, professional experiences, and areas of specialty.

We make no warranty as to the accuracy of information contained herein.

We do not guarantee that any files downloaded by the user are free of viruses or contamination.  We suggest that you supply your own screening techniques and protective measures and programs to guard your own equipment and data.

The information on this website is for personal use and is not be used as a source for commercial mailing lists. By accessing the Energy Medicine Directory website you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions herein.

  1. The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. It does not offer medical advice. Viewers should make their own independent inquiries and judgments before acting on any information it contains.
  2. and its owners, management/affiliates/assigns make no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the effectiveness of any services, diagnosis, treatment or products presented on this website. In no event are we liable for any bodily or emotional injury or negative side effects that may arise from the use of any products, or the receipt of treatments from any practitioner listed herein.
  3. The website and its owners, management/affiliates/assigns are not entering a professional relationship with the viewer. Nor should the information provided be used as a substitute for needed care from a licensed health or mental health professional. 4. Energy Medicine or Alternative Medicine is not a regulated medical practice or a practice that diagnoses or treats illnesses of mind or body. Always seek a qualified, licensed physician before starting a regimen of any energy medicine/alternative medicine treatment including any dietary, nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplements. Energy modalities are considered experimental by most members of the medical profession.
  4. Testimonials and explanations on this website do not constitute guarantees, warranties, or predictions.
  5. Statements made about specific products have not been evaluated by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA).
  6. Workshops, classes, study groups, books, videos, other programs, and practitioners are listed on this website to inform the viewer of available resources. and its owners and agents accrue no liability based on the viewer’s uses of these resources. 8. Any exploration of one’s past or current difficulties—common practices within energy psychology as well as many other personal development approaches—may evoke disquieting memories or emotions. While these may be markers on the path of personal evolution, the individual undertaking such exploration assumes any and all of the associated risks. 9. Although the energy modalities presented on this website are widely viewed as non-invasive and benign interventions into the body’s energy system, any procedure that frees energies that have been blocked may cause mild reactions such as nausea, headaches, or temporary pains as the energies begin to move and reset themselves. While such reactions should be noted and common-sense assessments made, they often indicate that the procedures are working and benefits will persist after the discomfort has passed. It is also possible that a condition was incubating, so it might appear that a cause-effect relationship was involved when it was actually a matter of coincidence. 10. The viewer of this website assumes any and all risks associated with using information it contains, agreeing to hold harmless, its owners, board members, employees, agents, and/or volunteers from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, liability, loss, damage, and/or injury that may occur from the use of this website.