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I started my journey towards discovering alternative ways to heal disease and discomfort for myself over 24 years ago.  My path has been meandering, challenging, insightful and full of exploration.

I always knew that my practice would eventually change to an energy-healing modality of some sort. For 2 years I had been searching for a course on energy healing. Through a patient I discovered Donna Eden’s book Energy Medicine and knew within minutes of reading the book that this was the next step in my healing career.

​After three very rigorous years of training I am now a Clinical Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner.  I feel blessed to work with a system that empowers clients in their own growth of health and wellness, to shine in their own unique radiance! The practice is open hearted, connected to the universe, and our ancestors.

I really love Energy Medicine!  It has changed my life in so many outstanding ways. The treatments I have received have been empowering, improved my health and given me a tool (DER) to use daily to maintain energy balance in my body.  When I start to feel stressed, ill, angry, or out of sorts, I have tools and simple techniques that I can easily and quickly do to restore my balance and re-center myself.

I will continue my studies in energy healing, I am currently enrolled in the advanced practitioner course with Eden Energy Medicine which will be completed 2017. 


Our Address:

110 3571 Chatham Street Richmond B.C. Canada
