Holistic Veterinary Care for our beloved friends from the animal kingdom. Veterinary Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Craniosacral Work, Energy Medicine, TTouch and more. Integration of complementary modalities into animal hospice care. For best timely…
Chiropracter using gentle low force techniques; Reiki (levels 1 & 2); Reconnective healing; Caring for children and adults of all ages.
Rosanne is a PTA and LMT; she works on her own as well as in a chiropractic clinic. She integrates physical and massage therapies with Energy Medicine. Rosanne is trained in MFR, CST, LDT, Synergia and other energy modalities.
I am a licensed chiropractor who specializes in Applied Kinesiology. My master’s degree is in Exercise Physiology and I counsel my patients on exercise and nutrition that supports a healthy body.