I do massage, Reiki, Aromatherapy and of course Energy Medicine!! I find energy medicine can be integrated into everything I do and is very effective used with lots of therapies! Am based in the UK.
Joan Robinson is an Alexander Technique Teacher and qualified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner working in Romsey and Southampton, having completed both the 2 year Certification programme as well as the Clinical Practicum. She gives individual…
Helping people deal with “difficult” people and helping “difficult” people
Ross Valentine has been in practice as an osteopath for over 30 years and is also a certified Eden Energy Medicine practitioner, having completed the 2 year Certification training and also the third year Clinical Practicum. His practice is in…
James is in year one of the Eden Energy Certification program. He also is a certified Reflexologist and Reiki Practitioner. He volunteers at the hospice in London where he resides offering free sessions to those who have been diagnosed as…