Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner (EEM-CP), Integrative Kinesiology (Integrative Kinesiologin – IKAMED Schweiz), Touch for Health, Brain Gym, Educational Kinesiology (Paul E. Dennison), “Health, Emotions and Kinesiology I & II” (Warren…
Discover Healing ~~ State-of-the-Art Energy Healing BELIEF CODE® | BODY CODE™ | EMOTION CODE® Over the years as I’ve been practicing Discover Healing’s Emotion Code, Body Code, some of my greatest successes have been helping people that feel…
Diana excels at balancing and harmonizing your energy field to eliminate stress in your body through Quantum Biofeedback. Diana is also a Reiki Master and has an extensive background in various energy and spiritual transformation techniques.
I am excited and grateful to be able to share the incredible wisdom and the knowledge that I’ve received through the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program (Donna Eden), as well as through the Psych-K (Robert M. Williams) and Usui reiki…
Elexis Ansley is a metaphysical reverend and has a Bachelor of Metaphysical Science from the University of Sedona and a Bachelor of Arts in Music from Florida International University. Rev. Elexis is a certified Emotion Code and Body Code…