I have been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 1993. I combine several holistic healing methods, including Pranic Healing, Chakra Balancing, Esoteric Healing, CranioSacral, Acupressure, Aromatherapy and Energy Medicine. After working with several…
Energy Massage is a healing art from, using bodywork and energy work in the massage. You may also choose deep tissue or massage cupping as your free upgrade which you receive with every Energy Massage. Applying Reiki to a massage is very slow and…
I am a massage therapist, member of the AMTA, and a Reiki Master. I teach Yoga classes and do Jin Shin Jyutsu.
Massage Therapist, Reflexologist, Reiki Master
Certified Massage Therapist since 1999. I primarily use CranioSacral Therapy, Myofaxcial Release and Energy Medicine in my work. I am also trained in Lymphatic Drainage, Mindful Touch Therapy and have an extensive background in meditation, dance,…