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Licensed/Certified Massage Therapist dedicated to connecting with individuals on a heart level to facilitate healing using Sound, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Intuitive Readings and Energy Medicine in a private setting.

Donna Eden style Energy Medicine, energy psychology, massage/myofascial release, NAET allergy treatments, Reiki, craniosacral techniques.

Marilyn is a Physical Therapy Assistant, Massage therapist and Reiki Master. She has completed Donna Eden’s 2-yr certification program and training in myofascial release, craniosacral therapy , synergia and lymphatic drainage. She…

Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner, Reiki Master, and Akashic Record reader.

Certified Reiki Practitioner, Masters in Teaching and Eden Energy Medicine Certification candidate (February 2012). Providing individual sessions, group classes and a monthly Energy Medicine Study Group. As the mother of two young children, Tracey…
