As a two-year graduate from Eden Energy Medicine Training (EEMCP), and a ARCB board certified Reflexologist, I work with people of all walks and ages. In my unique combination of integrating Reflexology with Energy Medicine, I pay extra attention to…
Jasmine is an international quantic healer with a Swiss Diploma in Chinese medicine, Tuina, Chinese Herbs, Qi Gong, speaking 7 languages. Feel free to contact me in your native language as I translate simultaneously. Passionate in distance –…
I am a co-founder with my wife, Audrey Silver, of The Pinchas Foundation, Inc. The Foundation is dedicated to spreading the spiritual healing ways of the Chiricahua Apache people through offering healing classes and healing services. I am also a…
In today’s busy world filled with a fast-pace lifestyle being able to manage and enhance our energy is a gift. Donna teaches us simple routines to keep the energy flowing as needed. Trained and certified as a Reflexologist, integrating the use of…
Mary is a Certified EEM Practitioner and Reflexologist in Private Practice. She teaches basic EEM Workshops and is available to travel to give workshops and private sessions.